第一章 总 则
第一条 规则制定
第二条 名词解释
第三条 适用范围
第四条 特别提示
第五条 瑕疵担保
第二章 关于委托人的规定
第六条 委托程式
第七条 委托人之代理人
第八条 委托人之保证
第九条 保留价
第十条 拍卖前本公司的决定权
第十一条 未上拍拍卖品
第十二条 拍卖中止
第十三条 委托人撤回拍卖品
第十四条 自动受保
第十五条 保险费
第十六条 保险期间
第十七条 委托人安排保险如委托人以书面形式告知本公司不需就其拍卖品投保,则该拍卖品产生的任何风险由委托人自行承担,且应随时承担以下责任(除非法院或仲裁机构另有裁定):
第十八条 保险免责
因自然磨损、固有瑕疵、内在或潜在缺陷、物质本身变化、自燃、自热、氧化、锈蚀、渗漏、鼠咬、虫蛀、大气(气候或气温) 变化、湿度或温度转变、正常水位变化或其他渐变原因以及因地震、海啸、战争、类似战争行为、敌对行为、武装冲突、恐怖活动、谋反、政变、罢工、暴动、民众骚乱及核裂变、核聚变、核武器、核材料、核辐射以及放射性污染对拍卖品造成的任何毁损、灭失,以及由于任何原因造成的图书框架或玻璃、囊匣、底垫、支架、
第十九条 保险赔偿
第二十条 竞买禁止
第二十一条 佣金及费用
第二十二条 未成交手续费
第二十三条 出售收益支付
第二十四条 撤销交易
第二十五条 税项
如委托人所得的出售收益应向政府纳税,则由委托人自行负责办理并承担相应税费。第二十六条 协助收取拖欠款项如买受人在拍卖成交日起七日内未向本公司付清全部购买价款,本公司除有权按照本规则第四十六条之规定向买受人追索其应付的酬金及其他各项费用外,并有权根据委托人的要求,在本公司认为实际可行的情况下,采取适当措施,协助委托人向买受人收取拖欠的款项,但本公司不代表委托人向买受人提起诉讼。
第二十七条 本公司之最终决定权
第二十八条 拍卖品未能成交
第二十九条 风险承担
第三章 关于竞买人和买受人的规定
第三十条 拍卖品图录
第三十一条 图录之不确定性
因印刷或摄影等技术原因造成拍卖品在图录及/或其他任何形式的图示、影像制品和宣传品中的色调、颜色、层次、形态等与原物存在误差者,以原物为准。 本公司及其工作人员或其代理人对任何拍卖品用任何方式(包括证书、图录、幻灯投影、新闻载体等)所作的介绍及评价,均为参考性意见,不构成对拍卖品的任何担保。本公司及其工作人员或其代理人毋需对上述介绍及评价中不准确或遗漏之处负责。本公司及其工作人员或其代理人对拍卖标的任何说明中引述之出版着录仅供竞买人参考。本公司不提供着录书刊等资料之原件或影本,并保留修订引述说明的权利。
第三十二条 竞买人之审看责任
第三十三条 竞买人登记
第三十四条 竞买号牌
第三十五条 竞买保证金
第三十六条 本公司之选择权
第三十七条 异常情况处理
第三十八条 以当事人身份竞投
第三十九条 委托竞投
第四十条 委托竞投之免责
第四十一条 委托在先原则
第四十二条 拍卖师之决定权
第四十三条 影像显示板及货币兑换显示板
第四十四条 拍卖成交
第四十五条 拍卖笔录
本公司进行拍卖时,制作拍卖笔录,拍卖笔录由拍卖师、记录人签名。 在本公司举行的拍卖活动中,最高应价经拍卖师落槌或者以其他公开表示买定的方式确认后,买受人应当在成交记录上签名。
第四十六条 酬金及费用
第四十七条 付款时间
第四十八条 支付币种
第四十九条 所有权转移
第五十条 风险转移
第五十一条 领取拍卖品
第五十二条 包装及搬运
第五十三条 拍卖品出境
第五十四条 未付款之补救方法
第五十五条 延期领取拍卖品之补救方法
第四章 其 他
第五十六条 国家优先购买权
第五十七条 保密责任
第五十八条 鉴定权
第五十九条 著作权
第六十条 免除责任
本公司作为委托人的代理人,对委托人或买受人的违约行为不承担任何责任。第六十一条 拍卖无效之赔偿责任因相关人原因导致拍卖交易无效的,则相关人应承担赔偿责任,以弥补本公司的全部损失。赔偿标准以该拍卖交易有效时本公司可得利益为准。
第六十二条 通知
第六十三条 可分割性
第六十四条 争议解决
第六十五条 语言文本
处,以中文文本为准。第六十六条 规则版权所有本规则由本公司依法制订和修改,相应版权归本公司所有。未经本公司事先书面许可,任何人不得以任何方式或手段,利用本规则获取商业利益,亦不得对本规则的任何部分进行复制、传送或贮存于可检索系统中。
第六十七条 单数词语与复数词语在本规则条款中,根据上下文义,单数词语亦
包括复数词语,反之亦然。第六十八条 修改权本规则的修改权属于本公司,本公司有权根据实际情况随时对本规则依法进行修改,并且本规则自修改之日起自动适用修改后的版本。本规则如有修改,本公司将及时依法以本公司认为合适的方式公示,请相关各方自行注意,本公司有权不予另行单独通知。
第六十九条 施行时间
第七十条 解释权
Auction Rules
Chapter I General principles
Article 1. Rules establishment
In order to formalize and smoothly hold auctions,
the rules are established in accordance with the
Auction Law of the People's Republic of China,
other relevant laws, regulations and the Company's
constitution as well as in consultation with
international conventional practices.
Article 2. Definition of terms
The below terms are defined as follows except
separately interpreted in the articles.
(1) “The Company” refers to Beijing Wen Jin Ge
International Auction Co., Ltd.
(2) “The bidder” refers to the natural person,
the legal person or any other organization who
registers in the Company, processes necessary
procedures and possesses of complete capacity of
civil disposition in accordance with the regulations
in the laws of China. The transaction shall meet the
law and regulation-stipulated conditions on the sale
of auction items or qualifications of the bidder. In
the rules, the bidder shall include the agent of the
bidder except separately noted or special situations
according to the contents.
(3) “The buyer” refers to the bidder who obtains
the auction item at the highest bid in the auction
held by the Company.
(4) “The seller” refers to the natural person, the
legal person or any other organization who entrusts
the Company to auction the auction items within
the scope of the rules. In the rules, the seller shall
include the agent of the seller except separately
noted or special situations according to the
(5) “The auction item”, i.e. auction object,
refers to the goods or property right possessed or
disposable according to the law by the seller and
entrusted to the Company for auction, especially
the goods or property right coded in any catalogues
for introduction.
(6) “The auction date” refers to the official auction
commencement date announced by the Company
for some auction. In case of inconsistency between
the publicized and the actual commencement dates
of the auction, the actual one will prevail.
(7) “The auction transaction date” refers to the
date on which the transaction of any auction item is
confirmed through the auctioneer's hammer or any
other public mode indicating purchase at auctions
held by the Company.
(8) “The hammer price” refers to the auction
item's price dealt with the buyer determined
through the auctioneer's hammer or any other
public mode indicating purchase.
(9) “The sale proceeds” refer to the net sum
paid to the seller, which is the balance of the
hammer price deducts the commissions, taxes,
fees, miscellaneous costs and other dues to the
Company of the seller which are calculated based
on proportions.
(10) “The purchase price” refers to the sum of
costs to be paid by the buyer to buy the auction
item, including the hammer price, all remunerations,
other payable costs by the buyer and all due costs
of the buyer for nonperformance of obligations.
(11) “The miscellaneous costs” refer to the
costs collected by the Company for auction item
insurance, auction item catalogue and other
promotion materials preparation, packing, transport,
storage and safekeeping as well as other costs
collected in accordance with relevant laws,
regulations or the rules.
(12)“The reserve price” refers to the lowest sale
price of the auction item raised by the seller and
finalized in written form with the Company after
(13) “The reference price” refers to the estimated
price of the auction item indicated in the catalogue
or other introductions. The reference price is
estimated prior to the auction date and not the
finalized price. The reference price is possibly to be
adjusted and has no legal binding force.
(14) “The safekeeping fee” refers to the auction
item safekeeping fee paid to the Company for the
auction item not taken by the seller or the buyer
beyond the reasonable term regulated in the rules,
which is 0.5% of the reserve price of the auction
Article 3. Applicable scope
The Company organizes and holds auctions under
the laws and policies of the People's Republic of
China. All sellers, bidders, buyers and other related
parties who participate in the auctions of cultural
relics, works of art and other collections organized
and held by the Company should perform in
accordance with the rules.
Article 4. Special notes
At all auctions held by the Company, the Company
usually plays as the agent of the seller. Once
the bidder's highest bid is confirmed by the
auctioneer's hammer or other public mode
indicating purchase, it shows that the purchase
and sale contract between the seller and the bidder
on the auction item is legal and effective and the
bidder becomes the buyer of the auction item
immediately. Thus, the legal results incurred shall
be borne by the seller and the buyer respectively.
The contents of the rules constitute corresponding
articles of the agreements established between
the Company as the auctioneer and the seller, the
Company and the buyer, as well as of the purchase
and sale contract on the auction item between the
seller and the buyer. Therefore, all sellers, bidders,
buyers and other related parties who participate
in the auctions of the Company should carefully
read and observe the rules and undertake their
responsibilities for their conducts in the auctions.
Any damages or responsibilities incurred due to the
misreading of the rules shall be borne by the doer
Article 5. Defect guarantee
The Company is exempt from the defect guarantee
responsibility for the genuineness and/or quality of
the auction item.
The bidder and/or its agent shall inspect the original
auction item and undertake legal responsibility for
its bidding of the auction item.
Chapter II Provisions on the seller
Article 6. Entrustment procedures
When the seller entrusts the Company to auction
its property, as for a natural person, he/she should
present valid ID card/passport/other effective
identity certificate approved by Chinese government
and sign an auction entrustment contract with the
Company; as for a legal person or other entity, it
should present valid registration documents, legal
representative's ID card or legal authorization
certificate and sign an auction entrustment contract
with the Company.
When the seller entrusts the Company to auction
its property, it is deemed that it automatically
authorizes the Company to exhibit and showcase
the property, make photos, diagrams, catalogues
or other video products and promotion materials for
the property.
Article 7. Agent of the seller
The seller may entrust the agent to auction its
property. When the agent entrusts the Company
to auction the property, it shall present relevant
entrustment certificates to the Company, provide
the legal identity certificate of the seller and its
agent and sign an entrustment auction contract with
the Company. In case the agent is a natural person,
he/she should present valid ID card/passport/other
effective identity certificate approved by Chinese
government; in case the agent is a legal person
or other entity, it should present valid registration
documents, legal representative's ID card or legal
authorization certificate.
The Company shall have the right to inspect above
entrustment issues in a reasonable mode according
to its opinion.
Article 8. Guarantee of the seller
The seller irrevocably guarantees as follows to
the Company and the buyer for the auction item
entrusted to the Company for auction:
(1) It has complete ownership or legal disposal right
to the auction item. The auction to the auction item
will not intrude the legitimate interests of any third
party nor violate the provisions of relevant laws
and regulations. In case of claims or lawsuits of
the actual owner of the auction item or any third
party claiming the right to the auction item incurred
by its violation of the guarantee lead to the loss
of the Company and/or the buyer, the seller shall
be responsible for the compensation of all losses
of the Company and/or the buyer caused by the
violation and undertake all costs and expenses
incurred by that, including but not limited to the
legal cost, retaining fee, investigation fee, appraisal
fee, business trip cost and other reasonable
supporting fees.
(2) It has made full and complete disclosure
and instruction to the origin and defect of the
auction item as far as its knowledge without any
concealment or fabrication. In case its violation
to this guarantee causes the loss or lawsuit of
the Company and/or the buyer, the seller shall
be responsible for the compensation of all losses
of the Company and/or the buyer caused by the
violation and undertake all costs and expenses
incurred by that, including but not limited to the
legal cost, retaining fee, investigation fee, appraisal
fee, business trip cost and other reasonable
supporting fees.
Article 9. Reserve price
All auction items of the Company shall have the
reserve prices except specially notifying no reserve
prices indicated or noted for the auction items.
Reserve price shall be defined in written form by
the Company and the seller through consultation.
Once the reserve price is defined by both parties,
the alteration shall be approved by the counterpart
beforehand in written form.
T h e C o m p a n y s h a l l b e e x e m p t e d f r o m a n y
responsibilities for the auction item's below the
reserve price and failure to a deal at the auction
held by the Company in any cases.
Article 10. The Company's decision-making right
prior to auction
The Company has the complete decision-making
right to the following issues:
(1) Making introductions and/or evaluations to any
auction item via the auction item catalogue, the
auction object diagram and/or media and/or other
(2) Whether inquiring the opinions of any expert or
(3) The order, place, layout size and charge standard
in the catalogue for the auction item; exhibition/
showcase mode of the auction item; arrangement
of the auction item in the exhibition/showcase and
the charge standard for the arrangement;
(4) Except additional agreement reached between
the Company and the seller, the Company shall
have the complete decision-making right to the
auction (i.e. performing the auction or not), the
venue, the order, the date, the conditions and the
mode of the auction.
Article 11. Auction item not auctioned
After the seller signs an auction entrustment
contract with the Company and entrusts the auction
item to the latter, the seller shall take back the
auction item within 30 days upon the Company's
notification for taking back (with the packing and
transport at its own cost) in case that the Company
believes the auction item is not suitable for auction
due to any reason and the auction entrustment
contract shall be cancelled from the day on which
the seller takes back the auction item.
In case the seller does not take back the auction
item within above term, the auction entrustment
contract between the Company and the seller
shall be cancelled from the expiration of aforesaid
time limit. In case the seller does not take back
the auction item within seven days upon the
cancelation of the auction entrustment contract,
the Company shall have the right to dispose the
auction item with a reasonable mode according
to its opinion. The balance of the disposition after
deducting all incurred costs (if exists) shall be taken
back by the seller itself.
Article 12. Auction suspension
In case of any situation listed below, the Company
shall have the right to suspend the auction item
auction at any time prior to the actual auction:
(1) The Company has objection to the ownership or
authenticity of the auction item.
(2) The third party has objection to the ownership
or authenticity of the auction item and can provide
relevant proofs approved by the Company, pay
guarantee deposit according to the Company's
r e g u l a t i o n a n d w o u l d l i k e t o u n d e r t a k e
corresponding legal responsibilities for the legal
results and all losses caused by the auction
(3) The Company has objections to the introduction
of the seller or the correctness of the seller's
guarantees described in Article 8 of the rules.
(4) Evidences show that the seller violated or will
violate any articles in the rules.
(5) Any other reasonable reasons exist.
Article 13. The seller withdraws the auction item
The seller may withdraw its auction item at any
time prior to the auction date after giving a written
notification to the Company indicating the reasons
and obtaining the approval of the Company.
However, if the printing of the catalogues or other
promotion materials for the auction item already
started when withdrawing the auction item, 20% of
the insurance amount for the auction item and other
miscellaneous costs shall be paid. If the printing of
the catalogues or other promotion materials for the
auction item has not started yet when withdrawing
the auction item, 10% of the insurance amount
for the auction item and other miscellaneous costs
shall be paid.
As for the seller's withdrawal of the auction object,
the seller shall take back the auction item within
30 days upon the Company's notification for taking
back. In case the seller does not take back the
auction item upon the expiration of the time limit,
the Company shall have the right to dispose the
auction item with a reasonable mode according
to its opinion. The balance of the disposition after
deducting all incurred costs (if exists) shall be taken
back by the seller itself.
Any objections or claims incurred due to the seller's
withdrawal of the auction item shall be undertaken
by the seller itself. The Company is exempted from
any issues like these.
Article 14. Automatic insurance co-verage
All auction items will be automatically covered by
the insurance purchased by the Company with the
reserve price defined in the auction entrustment
contract signed between the Company and the
seller as the insured amount except separately
instructed by the seller in written form. (In case of
no reserve price, the agreed insurance amount for
the auction item shall prevail. In case of adjustment
of the reserve price, the initial reserve price of the
auction item shall prevail.)
The insurance amount shall be only applicable
for the insurance purchase and the claim upon
accidents from the insurer and not the assurance
or guarantee to the value of the auction item by
the Company nor indicate the auction item will be
sold at the insured amount at the auction by the
Article 15. Insurance premium
Except separate agreement between the seller and
the Company, the seller shall pay the insurance
premium to the Company in accordance with the
following items:
(1) If the auction is concluded, the premium shall
equal to 1% of the hammer price.
(2) If the auction is not concluded, the premium
shall equal to 1% of the reserve price.
Article 16. Insurance period
(1) If the auction is concluded, the insurance period
shall be from the premium payment date to the
seventh day after the auction conclusion or the day
on which the buyer takes over the auction item (The
earlier one will prevail).
(2) If the auction is not concluded, the insurance
period shall be from the premium payment date
to the seventh day after the Company issues the
notification to the seller for taking back the auction
Article 17. Insurance arranged by the seller
If the seller notifies the Company not to insure
its auction item in written form, any risks of the
auction item shall be taken by the seller itself and
the following responsibilities shall also be borne by
the seller at any time (except separately rulesd by
the court or arbitration authority):
(1) Making compensations to the claims or lawsuits
against the Company rendered by any other obligee
on the damage and loss of the auction item;
(2) Making compensations to all the losses and
expenses incurred by the damage and loss of the
auction item caused by the Company and/or any
other party for any reason;
(3) Notifying any insurer of the auction item the
compensation issues described in this article.
Article 18. Insurance disclaimer
T h e C o m p a n y s h a l l b e e x e m p t e d f r o m a n y
compensation responsibility for any damage and
loss of the auction item caused by natural wear,
inherent defect, internal or potential flaw, inherent
substance change, spontaneous combustion,
oxidation, rust, leakage, mouse bite, wormeaten,
atmosphere change (climate or temperature), humid
or temperature change, normal water level change,
other gradual changes, and earthquake, tsunami,
war, war-like act, hostile act, armed conflict,
terrorist attack, rebellion, coup, strike, insurrection,
turmoil, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, nuclear
weapon, nuclear material, nuclear radiation and
radioactive contamination as well as the damage
and loss of book framework, glass, casket, cushion,
brace, decoration, illustration, scroll head or other
Article 19. Insurance compensation
The damage and loss of the auction item caused by
the accident or disaster covered by the insurance
purchased by the Company for the auction item
shall be handled in accordance with the laws and
regulations on insurance of the People's Republic of
China. The Company shall claim to the insurer and
pay the balance to the seller after deducting the
Company's expense (excluding the commission)
from the insurance compensation.
Article 20. Bidding restriction
The seller shall not bid the auction item that it
entrusts to the Company for auction nor entrust
other one to bid on behalf of it. In case it violates
the article, the seller shall undertake corresponding
legal responsibilities and compensate all losses
incurred to the Company.
Article 21. Commission and expense
Except separate agreement reached between
the seller and the Company, the seller shall pay
the Company commission equaling to 10% of the
hammer price and other miscellaneous costs and
have no objection to collect remuneration and other
miscellaneous fees to the buyer in accordance with
Article 46 of the rules.
A r t ic le 22. Ha ndling f ee f or uns uc c - es s f ul
If the auction item is not transacted due to the
bidding price below the reserve price, the seller
agrees to pay the Company 3% of the reserve price
as the handling fee for unsuccessful transaction
and other miscellaneous fees.
Article 23. Payment of sale proceeds
(1) If the buyer pays off the total purchase amount
to the Company in accordance with Article 46 in the
rules, the Company shall pay the sale proceeds to
the seller in cash within 35 working days as of the
auction conclusion day.
(2) If the buyer fails to pay off the total purchase
amount to the Company within the payment limit
in accordance with Article 47 in the rules, the
Company shall pay the sale proceeds to the seller
in cash (currency unit: yuan) within seven working
days upon receiving the buyer's complete payment
of the total purchase amount.
Article 24. Transaction cancellation
If the buyer fails to pay off the total purchase
amount to the Company within 60 days upon
the auction conclusion, the seller may cancel the
transaction after giving a written notification to the
Company and receiving the Company the approval.
The Company shall give a transaction cancellation
notification to the buyer within seven working days
after agreeing to the seller's decision on cancelling
the transaction.
If the buyer has paid off the total purchase amount
and/or completed the procedures for picking up
the auction item when the seller delivers the
transaction cancellation notification to the Company,
the seller's transaction cancellation notification
shall be deemed as automatic abolition. Relevant
transaction shall be continued in accordance with
Article 23 in the rules. The seller shall provide
necessary coordination without rendering any
If the seller cancels the transaction, the seller shall
take back the auction item within 30 days upon
the Company's notification for taking back (with
the packing and transport at its own cost). In case
the seller does not take back the auction item
upon the expiration of the time limit, the Company
shall have the right to dispose the auction item
with a reasonable mode according to its opinion.
The balance of the disposition after deducting all
incurred costs (if exists) shall be taken back by the
seller itself.
Article 25. Taxes
If the seller's sale proceeds is subject to pay taxes
to the government, the seller itself shall handle and
undertake corresponding taxes and fees.
Article 26. Assisting in collecting the outstanding
If the buyer fails to pay off the total purchase
amount to the Company within seven days from the
auction conclusion day, the Company shall have the
right to apply appropriate and workable measures to
assist the seller to collect the outstanding payment
upon the seller's request in addition to require the
buyer's payment of the due remuneration and other
expenses in accordance with Article 46 in the rules.
Article 27. Final decision-making right of the
The Company shall make decisions on the following
issues in accordance with the seller's authorization
(payment made by the seller) and the actual
(1) Agree that the purchase amount paid under
special payment terms;
(2) Transport, store and insure the sold auction
(3) Resolve the claims rendered by the buyer or
the seller in accordance with relevant articles in the
(4) Collect the buyer's outstanding payment through
other necessary measures.
Article 28. Unsuccessful transaction of the auction
If the auction item is not transacted, the seller
shall take back the auction item within 30 days
upon the Company's notification for taking back
(with the packing and transport at its own cost) pay
the Company the handling fee for unsuccessful
transaction and other miscellaneous fee. In case
the seller does not take back the auction item
upon the expiration of aforesaid time limit, the
Company shall have the right to auction in public or
dispose the auction item with a reasonable mode
according to its opinion, and to pay the balance to
the seller after deducting the seller's due handling
fee for unsuccessful transaction in the first auction,
miscellaneous costs and all costs for the re-auction
of the auction item from the sale proceeds.
Article 29. Risk undertaking
The seller shall undertake responsibilities for all
risks and costs incurred if failing to take back the
auction item beyond the regulated time limit in the
rules. If the seller requires the Company to provide
assistance in returning the auction item, the risks
and costs for the return shall be borne by the seller.
Except the seller having special instruction to
undertake the insurance cost, no insurance will be
purchased for the transport of the auction item.
Chapter III Provisions on bidder and buyer
Article 30. The auction item catalog
The Company will prepare a catalog to briefly
introduce the conditions with text and/or pictures
of the objects of auction for the bidders and the
sellers. The introduction, reference price, pictures
and the video and promotion materials in the
auction item catalog are offered for reference only
for the bidders and may be revised before the
auction. These information and materials shall not
be deemed as guarantee of the Company to the
authenticity, value, tone, texture and perfectness of
the auction item.
Article 31. Uncertainties of catalog
In case of any divagation from the original in the
catalog and/or diagram, video and promotion in any
form on the tone, color, layer and configuration
caused by the technical reasons such as printing
or photography, the original shall prevail. Any
introduction or appraisal from the Company and
its employees or agents to the auction item in
any form (including certificate, catalog, slide and
news carriers) are for reference only and shall not
constitute any guarantee of the Company to the
auction item. The Company and its employees
or agents shall not be liable for the inaccuracy or
omission of the introduction and appraisal.
The publication or record of the quotation the
Company and its employees or agents made to the
auction item in the introduction is for reference of
the bidders only. The Company shall not be liable
for offering the original or duplicate of the record
or the other materials and shall reserve the right to
modify the quotation.
Article 32. Bidder's scrutiny respon-sibility
The Company shall not be liable for the authenticity
and/or quality warranty. The bidder and/or its agent
is responsible for learning the actual condition of
the auction item and shall take legal responsibilities
for the deed bidding for an auction item.
The Company sincerely suggests that the bidder
shall authenticate or examine in person the original
before the auction date and judge whether the
auction item accords with the description other
than relying on the catalog and other video and
promotion of the Company.
Article 33. Registration of bidder
The bidder, if a natural person, shall fill in and sign
the registration document with the valid ID/passport
or other valid identification certificate acceptable
in the P.R.C before the auction date; if a legal
person or other organization, shall fill in and sign
the registration document with the valid registration
c e r t i f i c a t e , i d e n t i t y c e r t i f i c a t e o f t h e l e g a l
representative and valid certificate of authorization